An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 252 of 277
Robert H. Thoules, in his book Straight and Crooked Thinking, has
rendered a great service in the cause of truth by exposing some of the
elements of crooked thinking that play a considerable part in controversial
speaking and writing.  In this study we shall follow, fairly closely, the
outline he has given at the end of the book, together with many of his own
The use of emotionally toned words.  We must be
on the look -out for the difference that exists between 'objective' and
'emotional' meanings; if we are not, we are likely, without our knowing it,
to be swayed by prejudice.  Thoules gives the well -known example of the
declension of the word 'firm': I am firm, thou art obstinate, he is pig -
Professor Charlton has rightly pointed out, however, that emotionally
toned words have their proper place, especially in poetry.  Take for example
the lines of Keats from The Eve of St. Agnes:
'Full on the casement shone the wintry moon,
And threw warm gules on Madeline's fair breast'.
Notice the emotional value of the words 'casement', 'gules',
'Madeline', 'fair' and 'breast'.  'Gules' is the name used in heraldry to
signify red.  'Casement' conjures up an element of romance.  Thoules rewrites
the lines, substituting plain words for emotional ones, that we may
appreciate the difference:
'Full on this window shone the wintry moon,
Making red marks on Jane's uncoloured chest'.
In the exposition of Scripture, we must be on our guard against
emotional words, lest the truth suffer in consequence.  Let the reader turn
to the Gospel according to Matthew or Mark, and read the record of the
Crucifixion.  Then let him imagine what a chapter Dickens would have made of
it, and whether it could possibly have been read aloud.
Politics is a fruitful field for the development of emotionally charged
words.  For instance, 'a fluent and forcible speech delivered by one of our
party is eloquent; a similar speech by one of the opposite party is
Vain boasting (from the boastful character of Rodomonte, in the
Orlandie Furioso of Aristo).
Ruskin's comment upon Whistler's Nocturnes, provides another example:
'I have heard and seen much of cockney impudence before now, but never
expected to hear a coxcomb ask two hundred guineas for flinging a pot
of paint in the public's face'.
The emotional tone of the words 'cockney', 'coxcomb' and 'flinging a
pot of paint' is very strong; and the passage is utterly unworthy of that
master of good English, and champion of good art, John Ruskin.