An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 248 of 277
are in conflict, I understand with the followers of Dr. Bullinger's
dispensationalism in the British Isles'.
In spite of the fact that Dr. Bullinger has actually expressed his
views on the question of 'Universal Reconciliation', the suggestion that 'he
might have been a Universalist' is taken as sufficient to warrant the
inclusion, under the heading of 'Bullingerism', of doctrine, which he, in
fact, repudiated.  'He might have been' -- and then an exposure of
Universalism, under the heading, Bullingerism and Ultra -Dispensationalism.
In view of these facts, we feel it incumbent upon us, for the sake of truth,
and because of the regard in which we must ever hold the name of Dr.
Bullinger, to quote one or two statements of his from Things to Come:
'It is news indeed to hear that we believe in the "Universal Fatherhood
of God, universal restoration", and the "purgatorial process".  Such
charges must come, not from ignorance, but from malice; and is a clear
and open breach of the ninth commandment ... we fear the lie has too
good a start ever to be overtaken and crushed: and it is too good a
weapon for our opponents, to expect them to abandon very readily.  "The
day will declare it"' (Vol. xvi, 84).
'Like most other objectors to our teaching, you will note that they
object to what we have never said ... Pages have been written against
us for teaching so -called "soul sleep" an expression we again say we
have never used.  It is easier to do this than answer what we have
said, and it is more effective of course, because it makes people
believe we have said it' (Vol. xvi, 143).
'A Disclaimer.  Re the advertisement of Unsearchable Riches in our last
issue, it was entirely due to a mistake between ourselves and our
advertising agent.  Some of our friends have felt aggrieved; but we
hope that both they and others will have fuller confidence in us for
the future' (Vol. xviii, 132).
'Reconciliation.  If the word "destruction" has any meaning (see Psa.
145:20), how can what is destroyed be conciliated or reconciled? ...
There is conciliation on God's part toward the sinner in virtue of the
Substitute which He has provided and accepted, but there is an
"everlasting destruction" not some future reconciliation, for those who
refuse to believe Him' (Vol. xix, 11).
This last statement was made in January, 1913, and on June 6th of that
year Dr. Bullinger died.
With the rest of Mr. Hoste's criticism of 'Bullingerism' which leaves
Dr. Bullinger's writings for our own, we are not very much concerned.  The
critic's ignorance of the full scope of our teaching in Things to Come, The
Berean Expositor, and our other publications enables him to point out
apparent discrepancies in the use of the term 'Prison Epistles'.  How either
the First Epistle to Timothy, or that to Titus, can be called 'a prison
epistle' we cannot well understand.  That they were written after Acts 28 and
reveal the state of the church after its inception and before the 'departure'
of 2 Timothy, we have certainly taught.  However, we are not writing this
article to vindicate our consistency, but to illustrate another aspect of the
logical term, 'fallacy'.
The reader should cultivate the habit of 'seeing through' emotional
words such as 'Ultra -Dispensationalism'.  He should refuse to be swayed by
appeals to prejudice or fear.  He should demand that a man be permitted to