An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 246 of 277
Strictly speaking, what was said by Montgomery or by Spencer, the high
priest of materialism, is irrelevant; we are only concerned with 'What saith
the Scriptures?'
The following paragraph might almost serve as a classical example of
the creation of prejudice in the writer's favour:
'"Absent from the body" -- "Present with the Lord".  To make this
passage fit their theory, Conditionalists say that "Present with the
Lord" means present with Him after the resurrection.  The context,
however, is quite clear in its reference to the disembodied state.
Taken as it is written, it leaves no doubt that the only reason for its
perversion is that it is fatal to the annihilation theory' (page 12).
On page 9, the writer, speaking of this same passage, refers to 'the
statement that absent from the body is to be present with the Lord'.  After,
therefore, misquoting the passage twice, Mr. Pitt has the temerity to speak
of taking it 'as it is written'.  Moreover, he appeals to the context, not by
quoting it, but by assuming that it refers to 'the disembodied state'.  It
will be found, however, that the context speaks of not desiring to be
'unclothed', but 'clothed upon', that 'mortality might be swallowed up of
life'.  Surely this reference is not to 'the disembodied state' (as 1
Corinthians 15:53,54 clearly teaches).  The passage as it is written in 2
Corinthians 5:8 is as follows:
'We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the
body, and to be present with the Lord'.
How, in face of the context, it 'is quite clear in its reference to the
disembodied state', we are quite unable to understand.
Another example of prejudice is the following:
'Christians who have a firm hold on the blessed hope of the Lord's
Second Advent will scarcely need to be warned that it is impossible to
believe both in Conditional Immortality, and the Rapture of the
Mr. Pitt is difficult to follow; he commences with the Second Advent,
but diverts immediately to the Rapture of the Saints, a different, though a
related subject.  That Conditionalism and belief in the Second Advent can go
together is evident by the full title of the Mission that stands for
Conditionalism in this country:
The Conditional Immortality Mission --
(For Life And Advent Testimony)
'This mission was established to bear testimony by press and platform
to (1) the plenary inspiration and integrity of Holy Scriptures, (2)
the full atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ; (3) life in Christ alone;
that is, that life is not inherent in man, or in any part of him, but
is the free gift of God, through Jesus Christ, to all believers, and
(4) the pre -millennial Advent of Christ to reign over restored Israel
and all nations'.