An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 214 of 277
The Revised Version of Ephesians 6:12 reads 'Against the world -rulers
of this darkness'.
The title 'world -ruler' is significant.  Kosmokrator should be
compared with the title of the Lord, pantokrator, 'omnipotent' and
'almighty'.  We may obtain a glimpse at the extent of the power and authority
of these 'world -rulers of this darkness' by reading Daniel 10.  There we
read of a messenger sent from heaven (5,6), whose appearance was so glorious
that at the sight, Daniel's comeliness turned to corruption (8), yet this
mighty messenger was successfully withstood for twenty -one days by 'the
prince of Persia', whose opposition was only overcome by the advent of
Michael the archangel (13).  Reference is made in verse 20 to another prince,
'the prince of Grecia', and yet again in verse 21 to 'Michael your prince'.
Now Daniel 12:1 tells us that Michael is 'the great prince which standeth for
the children of thy people (Israel)'.  It appears, therefore, that with the
exception of Israel, the nations of the earth were under the authority of one
of the 'world holders of this darkness', and these facts cast light upon the
present conflict.  It is to be observed that the cause of the opposition in
Daniel 10 was that the heavenly messenger was sent to show Daniel what was
noted in 'the Scripture of truth'.  These principalities, powers and world
holders are summed up as 'spiritual things (or forces) of wickedness in the
heavenlies' (see article Principality and Power7).
Were it not that we can say with the apostle that we are persuaded
'that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers ...
shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus
our Lord' (Rom. 8:38,39), we should doubtless quail before these mighty
opponents and sink lower than Daniel did, but Christ is risen and we are
'more than conquerors through Him that loved us', and strong in the Lord and
in the power of His might, we shall both stand and withstand, knowing that
'the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly' (Rom. 16:20).
The limitations of space preclude any attempt at a lengthy exposition, or
indulgence in philosophic speculation
'What is Truth? said jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer'.
So commences Bacon's Essay 'Of Truth'.  Whether Pilate jested, whether he
gave evidence of a quickened conscience, or whether he voiced the scepticism
of his time, may not be ours to know, and is not our concern.  But to all who
merit or aspire to the title 'Bereans' there can be no more important
question than 'What is truth?' for the answer comprehends heaven, earth and
hell, God, man and Christ, the Scriptures, the Gospel, all activities of the
human mind, all social and moral issues, things past, present and future, all
are involved in the meaning and nature of truth:
'The inquiry of truth (which
is the love -making, or wooing of it), the
knowledge of truth (which is
the presence of it), and the belief of
truth (which is the enjoying
of it), is the sovereign good of human
'Certainly it is heaven upon
earth to have a man's mind move in
charity, rest in providence,
and turn upon the poles of truth' (Bacon).