An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 183 of 277
the ill -manners of our contemporaries, but to continue to discharge the
threefold obligation laid upon us.
To bear a positive testimony to the teaching of the Scriptures,
To contend earnestly for the faith once delivered to the saints,
To rightly divide the Word of Truth.
Quite a number of scathing comments have been made on the introduction
of the word 'atonement' in Romans 5:11, for obviously we do not receive 'the
atonement', if by that term we refer to the Offering of Christ, for that
Offering was made to God, on our account.  Were the translators of the
Authorized Version fools? or should that term be used of those whose shallow
criticism we have touched upon?  That the translators of the Authorized
Version knew that the word employed in Romans 5:11 was the word
'reconciliation', a glance at verse 10 makes clear.  The introduction
therefore of the word 'atonement' was of purpose.  It was to link the
'effect', reconciliation, with the 'cause', the atonement of Christ, which
could be done three centuries ago, when the verb 'to at -one' meant 'to
reconcile, or to make at one again' after disruption.  That 'debunked
scribbler' of the reign of Queen Elizabeth the first did not hesitate to use
the word 'atone' a number of times in his plays for reconciling, as, for
example in:
'Since we cannot atone you, we shall see
Justice design the victor's chivalry'
(Shakespeare, Richard II., i. 1).
Our present purpose however is not to do with either Atonement or
Reconciliation but with the word 'Gentile' and its meaning.  The word
'Gentile' is an English word, and until we can prove to the contrary, we
should give credit to common sense and reasonableness when we meet the word
in the Authorized Version.  The first occurrence of 'Gentile' in the
Authorized Version is liable to the same superficial criticism as has been
levelled against the introduction of the word 'atonement' in Romans 5:11.
Supposing however the Authorized Version introduced the word with full
intention in the tenth chapter of Genesis, in order to prepare the mind for
the distinction soon to be necessary by reason of the call of Abraham, namely
the difference between 'Jew and Gentile'.  No higher authority on the meaning
of English is extant today, than the Oxford English Dictionary, which says of
the word Gentile:
'Usually with capital G.  (1) Of or pertaining to any or all of the non
-Jewish nations.  (2) Heathen, pagan ( -1789).  Senses derived from
Classical Latin (1) Pertaining to or indicating a nation or tribe.  Now
rare 1513.  (2) Of or pertaining to a gens or to gentes 1846.  "Jesu so
gente" Middle English.  The words Italian, American ... are Gentiles
'To Gentilize' is not in common use, but that word completely
translates the Greek ethnikos in Galatians 2:14 'to live after the manner of
Gentiles' in contrast with the Greek word Ioudaikos 'to live as do the Jews';
the Jews, moreover being those who are 'Jews by nature'.  It is not our
mother tongue that stands to be corrected, the Jews also are evidently
needing a monitor, for in the Jewish prayer we have the words:
'O Lord our God, King of the Universe, I thank Thee I was not born a