An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 178 of 277
result of what is represented by the rest of the verse.  Paul was unmoved in
the face of bonds and afflictions because he did not count his soul dear to
himself.  He already knew that all he had and all he was, belonged to his
Redeemer.  He was not his own; he had been bought with a price.  A self -
centred man is easily moved, but a man who holds self as but a means of
serving the Lord will not easily be disturbed at the thought of trials and
afflictions.  Also the apostle had a goal in front of him.  He desired to
finish his course, to fulfil his calling; and in its pursuit he endured and
overcame odds that to a lesser soul would have been overwhelming.  The words:
'But none of these things move me' are a free rendering of the original all
oudenos logon poioumai, which literally means that Paul did not 'make account
of even one thing'.  The Vatican manuscript reads: 'Of no account make I life
precious to myself', which crystallizes the thought already expressed above.
Another suggestive passage is 1 Thessalonians 3:3 where Timothy is sent
to the Thessalonians: 'That no man should be moved by these afflictions'.  It
is very probable that the preposition en translated in this verse 'by' should
carry its primitive meaning 'in'.  The verb 'move' here means 'to fawn upon',
'to flatter', 'to deceive through flattery'; and the idea seems to be that
when one is enduring affliction, one is open to 'fawning' and 'flattering'
suggestions from seeming well -wishers, and that such must be resisted by
We come in conclusion to the great and triumphant exhortation of the
apostle in 1 Corinthians 15:58.  With resurrection as a glorious fact, with
Christ as the mighty Victor over death and the grave, with a glorious hope
before the believer, this chapter ends with the words:
'Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always
abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your
labour is not in vain in the Lord' (1 Cor. 15:58).
These three passages from the New Testament should be continually in
mind.  Nothing helps us in our service so much as the possession of the
unselfish spirit manifested by the apostle in Acts 20.  The believer who
feels hurt so often, is thinking too much of self.  To realize the Lordship
of the Risen Christ is to be free from the intimidation and the flattery of
man, and with the Lord at our right hand we too can say, 'I shall not be
The first title given to the apostle Paul in Scripture provides us with
another subject for study, 'He is a chosen vessel unto Me' (Acts 9:15).  To
any one acquainted with the Scriptures and with the worship of the God of
Israel, the word 'vessel' would be associated with the Tabernacle and the
Temple.  The altar had its specially designed vessels of brass, such as pans
to receive ashes, shovels, basins, fleshhooks and firepans (Exod. 27:3).  The
table also had its appropriate vessels, and the candlestick, or lampstand
(Exod. 30:27 and 35:13).  When the Lord called Saul of Tarsus to His service,
He separated him as a vessel unto Himself.  The Lord Jesus Christ fulfils the
typical teaching of the altar, the table and the candlestick, and we may
regard Paul as a chosen vessel, serving Him in all these offices.
The apostle was chosen by the Lord as a vessel 'to bear His name'.  In
Acts 9 Ananias speaks of Paul as having 'authority from the chief priests to