An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 161 of 277
peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.  For this is good and
acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour' (1 Tim. 2:1 -3).
It is evident that intercessory prayer covers a much wider sphere than
that occupied by the Church.  'All men', 'kings', 'all in authority' come
within its scope.  Wide, however, as is the scope of intercession, its
purpose is limited.  Kings and those in authority may be beneficient or
tyrannical.  Our prayer must not be debased into something political; it is
to be directed to one end: 'That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in
all godliness and honesty'.  This twofold ministry of mediation permitted to
the believer, brings him very near to the Lord Himself, the one Mediator, the
great Interpreter and Intercessor.  It is a ministry that calls for no
outstanding gifts; it makes no parade, and can go on in silence.  It is a
ministry, however, that is vital, and blessed are they who can, with
unfeigned thanks, realize that in this respect they are following in the
footsteps of the Son of God.
Joints and Bands
It is written of the Good Samaritan that 'he came where he (the injured
man) was'.  There is need for us to remember that all true service is blended
with sympathy.  Because this sympathy has, alas, sometimes been missing from
charitable schemes, we find that the word 'charity', which in the days of the
Authorized Version could stand for love in its fullest sense, has now been
set apart and is often viewed with suspicion.  We even have the common phrase
'as cold as charity'!  We therefore feel no hesitation in giving prominence
to that aspect of service that is likened to a 'joint' in the human body, a
figure that demands unity as a first necessity.
Of all the tribes of Israel, one, namely Levi, was chosen to serve the
Tabernacle.  The name Levi means 'Joined'.  The origin of the name, speaking
humanly, is pathetic.  Leah, who was married to Jacob by an act of deception,
must have felt her position badly.  The Lord saw that Leah was hated, and to
compensate, He granted to Leah that she should have several children, while
Rachel, the beloved wife, remained barren.  Leah's first child she called
Reuben: 'See, a son', for she said, 'Surely the Lord hath looked upon my
affliction; now therefore my husband will love me'.  Again she had another
son, and called his name Simeon (that is, 'Hearing') 'Because', said she,
'the Lord hath heard that I was hated'.  Again she had another son and called
his name Levi, that is 'Joined', saying, 'Now this time will my husband be
joined unto me'.  Her hopes do not appear to have materialized, for upon the
birth of her fourth son, Leah said, 'Now will I praise the Lord', and called
his name Judah, meaning 'Praise', and ceased bearing children (Gen. 29:31 -
35).  It is not our purpose to pursue this theme; we have considered it only
in so far as it throws light upon the name Levi.  The tribe whose name means
'Joined' is the tribe that stands for the service of God and man.  That we
are not drawing upon our imagination a reference to Numbers 18 will show:
'Thy brethren also of the tribe of Levi, the tribe of thy father, bring
thou with thee, that they may be joined (Heb. lavah as in Gen. 29:34)
unto thee, and minister unto thee ... before the tabernacle of witness
... and a stranger shall not come nigh unto you' (Num. 18:2 -4).
Here we not only see that the two phrases 'joined unto thee' and
'minister unto thee' are used together, but that the reverse is true, 'a
stranger' shall not come nigh.  The word 'stranger' is in the Hebrew zar,
from zarah, 'to sow, to scatter, to disperse'; so that it is just the reverse