An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 157 of 277
feeds his followers upon the husks in mistake for the true wheat, shall they
not starve?  If he leads them to put their trust in the observance of days,
months, weeks, years, sabbath days, meats and drinks (which are but shadows
of the true), must they not miss the mark?  'If the blind lead the blind,
both shall fall into the ditch'.  So important is keenness of vision for the
eastern guide, that no one was permitted by the Arabs to be a guide who could
not discern certain double stars, which to the ordinary town -dweller appear
as one.  As guides we need to see our path clearly, to discern the leading of
the Lord, and to distinguish the shadows from the substance.  The gatherer,
we found, was a title that could be borne by a shepherd.  So also a shepherd
can be a guide:
'But made His own people to go forth like sheep, and guided them in the
wilderness like a flock' (Psa. 78:52).
Looking to the Lord for guidance as we seek to guide others, we observe that
He 'guides the feet into the way of peace' (Luke 1:79).  If we read the cry
of the Ethiopian eunuch, and Philip's response to it, we shall not be in
doubt as to the character of the true guide:
'Understandest thou what thou readest?  And he said, How can I, except
some man should guide me? ... Then Philip opened his mouth, and began
at the same Scripture, and preached unto him Jesus' (Acts 8:30 -35).
This, then, is the essential difference between the blind guides and
the true.  The blind guides cannot see that all Scripture points to Christ,
and so they lose themselves in shadows.  The true guide will always 'begin at
the same Scripture' and preach Jesus!
Helpers and Husbandmen
What is the earliest title of service recorded in the Scriptures?
Surely it is the word 'help':
'And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I
will make him an help meet for him' (Gen. 2:18).
In Eve we have our first symbol of service, 'the helper'.  And in Adam
we have the second, for although the word 'husbandman' is not actually used
of him, we know that this was what he became, out of sheer necessity, after
his expulsion from the garden: 'In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat
bread' (Gen. 3:19).  So, at the very beginning of the Scriptures, we find the
'helper' and the 'husbandman' linked together.
In 1 Corinthians 12 the apostle enumerates a number of spiritual gifts:
'God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets,
thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps,
governments, diversities of tongues' (1 Cor. 12:28).
The gift of 'helps' to the church is seen from this passage to be a
comparatively lowly one, but the apostle has already warned us against
lightly esteeming the lowly members of the body.  Miracles may be more
impressive, but in their absence how grateful we should be for a little help.
We cannot all have the highest and most important gifts.  Shall we do nothing
because we cannot be apostles?  Shall we fail to teach because we cannot
prophesy?  Shall we refuse help because we cannot work miracles?  The first