An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 119 of 277
'These are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the
Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through His name'
A.  I notice in this last reference a distinction which in some measure
clears up the difficulty I have expressed with regard to the connection
between 'historic faith' and 'saving faith'.  First, 'these things' which
were written are nothing less than signs which Jesus did 'in the presence of
His disciples' (John 20:30), and were to lead to believing certain facts
about the Person of Christ, namely, that 'Jesus', the man, was 'the Messiah',
and moreover 'the Son of God'.  So far this is mere historic fact, but it is
impossible to believe that the man Jesus was God's Anointed and God's Son
without also believing all that these names connote.  Consequently 'life
through His Name' is the sequel, and historic faith in an event or a person
that can mean nothing if they do not mean salvation, must also of necessity
be saving faith too.
B.  That is a well -learned lesson, and you have made it your own.  There is
one other phase given in John's Gospel that we must not pass by.  In John
5:39 we read, 'Search the Scriptures', a command that not one of us can
neglect with impunity.  Nevertheless, we believe the Lord did not intend a
command here, but made a statement:
'Ye search the Scriptures; for in Them ye think ye have aionion life:
and they are they which testify Of Me.  And ye will not come to Me,
that ye might have life' (John 5:39,40).
'There is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust.  For had
ye believed Moses, ye would have believed Me: for he wrote of Me' (John
Faith in the Scriptures can only bring salvation because of the fact
that its testimony is concerning Christ.  2 Timothy 3:15 does not say that
the Scriptures save, but that they are able to make wise unto salvation
through faith that is in Christ Jesus.  So that believing the Word, like
believing the signs, leads to believing the Saviour and receiving His
Can you think of any words that are used as parallels or synonyms of
A.  We have already referred to John 1:12, there we read 'as many as received
Him' placed over against them that believe on His name', so receiving is a
synonym for believing.
B.  This synonym is found again in John 3:11, 'ye receive not our witness'.
So also 3:32,33.  You must seek for others yourself.  Looking now at the
antonyms or opposites to faith, we notice that Hebrews 10:39 places 'drawing
back' in opposition to 'believing'.  John 12:47,48 places 'believing' and
'rejecting' in opposition.  A vast field lies before us in the epistles of
Paul, which we can only mention but not investigate here.  It will not be
difficult to reconcile believing with receiving, or to see that its opposite
is drawing back and rejecting, for the faith that accepts the testimony
concerning the Saviour must necessarily accept the way of salvation.
A.  I see clearly that Scripture does not raise the question as to what faith
is, so much as Who is the object of faith.  I know I have believed, and I
know Whom I have believed, and there I gratefully rest, praying now for grace