An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 93 of 277
'Jesus', 'Emmanuel'.
Heb. 4:8).
Name Emmanuel, interpreted in passage as
'God with us'.  A true recognition of the
Person of the Saviour is essential.
Luke 2:1 -32.
The Saviour is 'Christ the Lord'
(11).  The Salvation which old
The Saviour --
Simeon saw was the Saviour
'Christ the Lord'.
Himself (30).  Note 'all people'
(10 and 31).
Titus 2.
Note reference to 'Saviour' in
The Saviour --
Titus (1:3; 2:10; 3:4 -- 'God')
'Our Great God'.
(1:4; 2:13; 3:6 -- 'Christ').  Note
the 'appearing' of Salvation (11) and the
'appearing' of the Saviour (13).
Isaiah 45.
Cyrus, a deliverer raised up by
The Saviour -- 'A Just God'.
God, a type of Christ.  'None else' (5,
14, 18, 21, 22).  'Just' and 'Saviour'
(see Rom. 1:16 -17).
Questions based on Readings
Matthew 1.
(1) What are the names given to Christ in
this chapter, and what do they mean?  (2)
Was Christ born into a king's family, and
what was the king's name?
Luke 2.
(1) What title does the angel give when
telling the shepherds that a Baby is
born?  (2) How many people were to hear
the news of the Saviour's birth?  (3)
What did Simeon mean when he said he had
seen God's Salvation?
Titus 2.
(1) What should we be looking for if we
believe the Saviour?  (2) When did Christ
give Himself for us?
Isaiah 45.
(1) Can you tell from this chapter if
there is more than one God and Saviour?
(2) What kind of God is our God?
Verses to memorize (one each week): Matthew 1:21; Luke 2:11; Titus
2:13; Isaiah 45:22.
Subject: The Sin -Bearer
John 1:19 -51.
'Taketh' (29) = 'beareth'.  Lamb
The sin of the world.
of God is Son of God (29,34).  Sin borne
by Him (29).  Dove abides on Him (32).
He bare our sins, but He knew no sin.
1 Peter 2.
He 'did no sin' (22).  He 'bare our sins'
He bare our sins.
(24).  Note 'sin' in John 1:29,