An Alphabetical Analysis
Volume 10 - Practical Truth - Page 39 of 277
life comes from an ovum or seed'.  In 1 Corinthians 15 the future entry into
resurrection life is compared and contrasted with our first entry into the
present mortal life:
'It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption' (1 Cor.
'But as many as received Him, to them gave He right to become children
of God, even to them that believe on His name, which were born, not of
blood, nor of will of the flesh, nor of the will of man (the
corruptible seed), but of God (the incorruptible seed)' (John 1:12,13
author's translation).
This passage emphasizes the place of the 'will' both of man and of God in
this matter of birth.  We remember that James very definitely says 'Of His
own will begat He us with the word of truth' (Jas. 1:18).  With this evidence
before us of 'the effectual Word', how foolish and vain is all effort and
method that attempts to bring about new birth by any other means than that of
the Gospel.  All so -called 'gospels' that appeal to the 'flesh' or to any
effort that can be put forth by those who are spiritually dead, are futile
and ineffective.  Life comes only from life.  Living seed alone can produce
life.  Like produces like.  'That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and
that which is born of the Spirit is spirit'.  Incorruptible seed alone can
give newness of life and a hope of incorruption and immortality.  May every
preacher of the Gospel keep steadily before him the fact that those to whom
he preaches are dead in sin, and that the word he speaks is 'spirit and
'I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the Power of God
unto salvation to every one that believeth' (Rom. 1:16).
'The engrafted Word' (James 1:21)
We have seen that
the Scriptures are able to make a child wise unto
salvation, and that the
Scripture that is preached is the gospel, an
'incorruptible seed' by
which the sinner dead in sins is 'born again'.  Let
us now consider another
passage that throws light upon 'the effectual Word':
'Receive with meekness the engrafted Word, which is able to save your
souls' (Jas. 1:21).
The ability of the Word is still before us, and we have to consider:
How the Word will become effectual.
'Receive with meekness'.
How the power is transmitted.
'The engrafted Word'.
What it accomplishes.
'Saves your souls'.
The mighty power resident in the Gospel and in the Word of God, is
dynamic truly, and irresistible in its working, but we must beware of using
the symbolism of dynamite, for mighty as this power of the Word is, it does
not work along material but along moral lines.  This power, which if God so
willed could crush all opposition and bend or break all resistance, as surely
as it overcame the power of death and the grave, must be 'received'.  It is
there in the Gospel, but it is there for 'faith' to appropriate.  Much
therefore will depend upon the meaning and nature of this receiving.  Into
our home and business premises, there may be laid on the mighty power of